1.   At a recent meeting between the two bodies they agreed that countering habitat loss is a high priority.

2.   Hunting and habitat loss are the most likely reasons.

3.   The long-term implications of these habitat losses for individual species, if the present trends continue, are likely to be disastrous.

4.   Habitat loss and fragmentation brought about by human activity are advancing apace around the world.

5.   Habitat loss due to ranching practices.

6.   Habitat loss is the single biggest problem.

7.   Habitat loss may be the single biggest threat to the grizzly.

8.   Habitat loss remains the single largest threat to species worldwide.

9.   Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation, reflecting human population growth and economic development, were cited as the most significant threats to Red List animals.

10.   Habitat loss.

n. + loss >>共 629
job 14.55%
weight 8.87%
memory 5.14%
hair 2.58%
loan 2.39%
bone 2.30%
playoff 2.00%
blood 1.81%
third-quarter 1.79%
fourth-quarter 1.66%
habitat 0.49%
habitat + n. >>共 86
destruction 15.85%
loss 11.38%
protection 10.98%
plan 6.91%
conservation 3.25%
restoration 2.44%
area 2.03%
biologist 2.03%
change 2.03%
type 2.03%
每页显示:    共 28