1.   Threats to its survival include habitat change, disturbance, egg collecting and severe winters.

2.   The information helps the department study fluctuations in population and migration patterns based on habitat changes.

3.   Also, Ayliffe said large animals reproduce less often, making it more difficult for them to recover from the one-two punch of human hunting and habitat change.

4.   The fish have suffered from development, logging, dams, overfishing and other habitat changes.

n. + change >>共 1062
climate 8.09%
rule 6.48%
policy 6.11%
name 4.09%
management 3.45%
personnel 2.30%
tax 1.93%
lineup 1.68%
price 1.58%
rate 1.54%
habitat 0.06%
habitat + n. >>共 86
destruction 15.85%
loss 11.38%
protection 10.98%
plan 6.91%
conservation 3.25%
restoration 2.44%
area 2.03%
biologist 2.03%
change 2.03%
type 2.03%
每页显示:    共 5