1.   Jim Brennan, a state habitat biologist, goes further.

2.   McBride, a habitat biologist with a strong, if not irresistible, attraction to swamp water, never even bothered to take his off to drain them.

3.   Schooled as a habitat biologist, Rusz serves as director of wildlife programs at the Michigan Wildlife Habitat Foundation.

4.   State habitat biologist John Boettner says he once mentioned to county officials that chinook would soon be listed as threatened, but got brushed off.

5.   The front-line troops defending these shorelines are habitat biologists for the state Department of Fish and Wildlife.

n. + biologist >>共 63
wildlife 30.23%
fishery 10.08%
conservation 6.98%
cell 5.43%
government 4.26%
field 2.71%
research 2.33%
habitat 1.94%
fish 1.94%
park 1.94%
habitat + n. >>共 86
destruction 15.85%
loss 11.38%
protection 10.98%
plan 6.91%
conservation 3.25%
restoration 2.44%
area 2.03%
biologist 2.03%
change 2.03%
type 2.03%
每页显示:    共 5