1.   On Monday, there were reports of air raids and helicopter gunfire attacks on Stariye Atagi and Achkoi-Martan, villages south of the city.

2.   An Israeli official warned that the military would stiffen its response to a growing number of Palestinian gunfire attacks against Israeli forces and civilians.

3.   Bosnian Serbs, meanwhile, appeared to be increasing gunfire attacks on parts of the road over Mount Igman, the only route into Sarajevo.

4.   Earlier, after a night of cannon and gunfire attacks on his palace, Conte told Radio France International he was hiding in a bunker but still in control.

5.   Friction between the two sides is frequent, and gunfire attacks from the Abu Sneineh neighborhood at the Israeli settlers take place almost daily.

6.   Friction between the two sides is frequent, and gunfire attacks from the Abu Sneineh neighborhood at the Israeli settlers take place regularly.

7.   Human Rights watch issued its call after Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for a gunfire attack on a Jerusalem bus in which two teen-agers were killed.

8.   In a gunfire attacks in the West Bank, two Israelis were killed in a shooting attack near Bethlehem, military sources and rescue service officials said.

9.   In a gunfire attacks in the West Bank, two Israelis were killed in a shooting attack near Bethlehem, military sources said.

10.   In three Palestinian gunfire attacks in the West Bank, two Israelis were lightly injured, the military said.

n. + attack >>共 391
bomb 10.46%
terror 7.61%
suicide 7.41%
rocket 5.73%
air 5.16%
rebel 5.04%
missile 4.53%
guerrilla 3.73%
arson 3.00%
grenade 2.74%
gunfire 0.14%
gunfire + n. >>共 34
exchange 29.81%
attack 21.15%
incident 7.69%
issue 3.85%
training 2.88%
crackling 1.92%
assault 1.92%
burst 1.92%
position 1.92%
fire 1.92%
每页显示:    共 22