1.   Gun rights advocates have fought background checks for years, contending that they constitute an offensive national gun registry.

2.   Police in Alberta, where the provincial government has opposed the federal gun registry, say they will make no special effort to enforce the new law.

3.   The gun lobby also vigorously opposes the record keeping requirements proposed under the new bill, claiming they would amount to a national gun registry.

4.   The NRA has claimed to its members that the requirements amount to a national gun registry.

5.   Under federal law, backed by the NRA, it is illegal to maintain any gun registry.

n. + registry >>共 72
gift 16.02%
sex 5.52%
donor 4.97%
land 4.97%
offender 4.97%
cancer 3.87%
gun 2.76%
population 2.76%
domain 2.21%
child 2.21%
gun + n. >>共 443
battle 17.15%
show 6.80%
owner 5.15%
law 4.70%
violence 3.74%
ownership 2.91%
lobby 2.85%
maker 2.57%
manufacturer 2.56%
dealer 2.38%
registry 0.08%
每页显示:    共 5