1.   And in the only two states where the gun control issue was on the ballot, Oregon and Colorado, voters approved background checks for gun show purchases.

2.   Another new law will limit gun purchases to one a month, but puts the responsibility for enforcement on buyers and dealers.

3.   Ashcroft has proposed requiring the FBI to purge its records of gun purchases one day after a sale.

4.   Bentsen, for one, said he would find it difficult to limit gun purchases to once a month as some Democrats are proposing.

5.   A shortage of trigger safety locks required on all weapons sold under a new state law has stalled gun purchases and frustrated shop owners.

6.   Additionally, the House measure more narrowly defined gun shows as events where guns alone are sold, which critics claimed would allow unregulated gun purchases at smaller venues.

7.   Evan English, president of Olde English Gun Shoppe, Inc. in Tipp City, said although not obligated by Ohio law, his store limits some gun purchases.

8.   He said background checks for gun show purchases should be addressed in federal law.

9.   He said federal law enforcement officials will monitor gun purchases to see if more people begin to buy handguns in any areas where the checks are not being conducted.

10.   Henceforth, the Justice Department will implement a system of instant background checks to replace a five-day waiting period for gun purchases.

n. + purchase >>共 384
bond 8.33%
arm 3.92%
dollar 3.16%
weapon 3.10%
gun 2.89%
land 2.83%
fund 2.61%
government 2.40%
car 2.40%
handgun 2.34%
gun + n. >>共 443
battle 17.15%
show 6.80%
owner 5.15%
law 4.70%
violence 3.74%
ownership 2.91%
lobby 2.85%
maker 2.57%
manufacturer 2.56%
dealer 2.38%
purchase 0.86%
每页显示:    共 53