1.   An independent monitor, picked by the cities and approved by the gun makers, would be appointed with authority to oversee the agreement.

2.   And he directed his senior adviser, Rahm Emanuel, to approach other gun makers about voluntarily supplying locks.

3.   And other backers of the bill asserted that it offered no substantive protection for gun makers.

4.   And New Orleans has filed suit on different grounds, contending that gun makers failed to include enough safety devices in their weapons.

5.   And the suit asks that the gun makers be ordered to conduct quarterly inspections of their wholesalers and retailers to insure compliance with the restrictions.

6.   And the plaintiffs accused the gun makers of oversupplying dealers in states with weak gun control laws or weakly enforced laws, particularly in the South.

7.   Ann Riess-Lane, founder and chairwoman of the California-based group, added that gun makers had been focusing on women for a decade.

8.   As a remedy, he sought to extract a pledge from gun makers not to supply shops linked repeatedly to guns used in crimes, among other measures.

9.   As cities sue gun makers for flooding the streets with handguns, the gun makers are making their arms more deadly than ever.

10.   As governor of Texas, Bush has generally sided with the NRA, signing bills that allow people to carry concealed weapons and prevent municipalities from suing gun makers.

n. + maker >>共 492
computer 8.70%
auto 5.63%
policy 5.00%
cigarette 4.55%
car 4.47%
equipment 4.21%
software 3.85%
drug 3.65%
film 3.15%
chip 2.91%
gun 1.36%
gun + n. >>共 443
battle 17.15%
show 6.80%
owner 5.15%
law 4.70%
violence 3.74%
ownership 2.91%
lobby 2.85%
maker 2.57%
manufacturer 2.56%
dealer 2.38%
每页显示:    共 158