1.   In this way, the tribunal found the defendant guilty but at the same time set him free.

2.   In this way, the tribunal found the defendent guilty but at the same time set him free, at least for a few hours.

3.   The current system, these freemen say, exists not to punish the guilty but to raise money for the government while ignoring basic, constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

4.   The GM spoke basically in generalities, in part perhaps to protect the guilty but more likely because his feelings still were beyond his comprehension.

a. + but >>共 272
choice 5.30%
same 3.28%
alternative 2.27%
ninth 2.27%
game 2.02%
little 1.77%
small 1.52%
guilty 1.01%
poor 1.01%
net 1.01%
guilty + n. >>共 190
plea 34.54%
verdict 26.53%
party 5.36%
pleasure 4.84%
conscience 2.65%
man 1.81%
people 1.36%
player 0.90%
feeling 0.77%
one 0.77%
but 0.26%
每页显示:    共 4