1.   Drug killings, paramilitary massacres, guerrilla kidnappings, death squad murders and street crime have all intertwined.

2.   Following several guerrilla kidnappings, Garzon served as an intermediary between rebels and families of hostages.

3.   The most senior cleric to be murdered in Colombia, Archbishop Duarte had spoken out strongly against guerrilla kidnappings.

4.   Paramilitary groups, formed more than a decade ago as a response to guerrilla kidnappings and extortion, often target civilians they suspect of collaborating with the rebels.

5.   Colombians who no longer travel by road, fearing now commonplace guerrilla highway kidnappings, will now reconsider domestic air travel, commented Rep. Antonio Navarro Wolff.

6.   Formed by landowners and drug traffickers to combat guerrilla kidnappings and extortion, the paramilitary groups often target civilians they suspect of collaborating with the rebels.

7.   Growing evidence about rebel abuses in the safe haven, attacks nationwide and ongoing guerrilla kidnappings turned Colombians against the peace process.

8.   In a protest against guerrilla kidnappings of lawmakers, a Congressional committee unanimously approved a bill that would allow legislators to be re-elected from captivity.

9.   It has not publicly taken responsibility for the abduction, which shocked even Colombians accustomed to frequent guerrilla kidnappings.

10.   The paramilitaries arose as a vigilante force to defend landowners against guerrilla kidnappings and extortion.

n. + kidnapping >>共 22
ransom 45.13%
year 9.73%
guerrilla 8.85%
rebel 8.85%
high-profile 7.08%
child 5.31%
tourist 1.77%
area 0.88%
enforcer 0.88%
face 0.88%
guerrilla + n. >>共 400
group 17.66%
war 8.93%
attack 8.49%
leader 6.86%
base 3.95%
movement 3.38%
hideout 3.35%
position 3.34%
fighter 3.01%
warfare 2.68%
kidnapping 0.15%
每页显示:    共 10