1.   A grudging concession to the skeptics?

2.   But these grudging concessions are not enough.

3.   It was clear that Silver was making a grudging concession to political pressure.

4.   It is our one grudging concession to the changing scale of light, while all the rest of nature gladly concedes around us.

a. + concession >>共 459
major 8.16%
territorial 7.23%
further 5.10%
new 3.57%
significant 3.24%
political 2.73%
israeli 2.36%
important 2.32%
key 2.22%
only 2.09%
grudging 0.19%
grudging + n. >>共 83
respect 20.89%
admiration 13.33%
acceptance 12.44%
support 5.78%
apology 2.67%
approval 2.22%
concession 1.78%
admission 1.78%
praise 1.78%
realization 1.33%
每页显示:    共 4