1.   At adolescence, muscles go through a growth spurt.

2.   The boy was just a shrimp until his teens, when he had a growth spurt.

3.   In the presence of chronic illness, the nutritional requirements for the greater and more sustained normal growth spurt are less likely to be met.

4.   Osteosarcoma is not usually classified with hormonal cancers, but its onset largely coincides with the final hormonal growth spurt in teenagers.

5.   Although the studio used to settle for kinder and gentler cartoons, Disney animation is in the midst of a sophisticated growth spurt.

6.   American retailers continued an impressive growth spurt last month, one that bodes well for coming company earnings.

7.   As a social conscience, Kennedy had many growth spurts.

8.   Because with every growth spurt, another dose of confidence gets injected into the Stars.

9.   Boys, meanwhile, eagerly await promised growth spurts.

10.   Bond investors are concerned that strong sales could trigger a year-end growth spurt and speed inflation, which erodes the value of fixed-income securities.

n. + spurt >>共 41
growth 67.08%
season 1.86%
summer 1.86%
surprise 1.86%
career 1.24%
blood 1.24%
fourth-quarter 1.24%
midday 1.24%
six-point 1.24%
third-quarter 1.24%
growth + n. >>共 405
rate 23.78%
prospect 5.43%
potential 5.14%
stock 4.85%
area 3.72%
industry 3.39%
figure 3.36%
forecast 3.07%
spurt 2.59%
opportunity 2.31%
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