1.   In-service training, weekly group meetings and monthly supervision sessions were all provided for the home care aides.

2.   The LSUG is an active body with user group meetings enabling exchange of ideas, experiences, hints, criticisms and recommendations.

3.   SST therefore actively encourages membership of the LSUG and representation of each licenced site at user group meetings.

4.   A group meeting at Oxford Bodypositive, an organisation set up by and for people living with HIV.

5.   Volunteers are needed to give about one hour a month for a group meeting, plus fund-raising events, usually three or four times a year.

6.   He explains that although the parliament itself enjoys simultaneous translation facilities, the group meetings have no such luck.

7.   Another excellent way to get to know parents is through peer group meetings.

8.   At the time, Bonaparte held neighborhood youth group meetings in her living room.

9.   A local newspaper may print listings of Internet user group meetings.

n. + meeting >>共 825
summit 12.07%
board 8.31%
two-day 4.58%
team 4.56%
policy 3.65%
weekend 2.70%
week 2.25%
morning 2.04%
business 2.02%
staff 1.92%
group 1.30%
group + n. >>共 1107
member 6.83%
home 4.07%
leader 4.05%
match 3.36%
winner 3.18%
meeting 2.28%
game 2.01%
director 1.70%
plan 1.55%
play 1.46%
每页显示:    共 125