1.   But then the ground began to shift.

2.   By midafternoon, the parade winds down and the estate grounds begin to empty as the wave of classics departs, the past retreating before your eyes.

3.   From this height, the flat ground begins to wrinkle, as if an unseen foot has rumpled the Earth.

4.   Other clerks were busy restocking merchandise that fell from the shelves when the ground began to dance.

5.   She was standing in the doorway of the bicycle shop where she works when the ground suddenly began to undulate under her feet.

6.   The general wisdom is that the finer the coffee is ground the better, up until the point where the grounds begin to appear in the cup.

7.   The ground begins to shake and sway, and the result is an earthquake.

8.   They were expectant parents in the hospital delivery room when the ground began to move.

9.   When the ground began to shake, Mazary ran for the door.

10.   And I think the ground is beginning to shift in America.

n. + begin >>共 1326
company 1.92%
talk 1.47%
season 1.44%
trial 1.32%
government 1.26%
official 1.15%
people 1.01%
police 0.93%
work 0.90%
game 0.72%
ground 0.02%
ground + v. >>共 249
be 50.16%
shake 3.73%
shift 2.17%
include 1.55%
exist 1.16%
remain 1.16%
seem 1.16%
begin 1.09%
have 1.09%
freeze 0.78%
每页显示:    共 14