1.   They will report back the general sentiment on sales tax, gross receipts tax, business transaction tax.

2.   The situation for the UK would have been rendered more acceptable if high gross contributions had been offset by high gross receipts.

3.   Secondly, an effect may arise in the recording of gross receipts to the EC budget.

4.   The refund is counted as part of the gross receipts of the second country even though it is the first country that benefits.

5.   Accelerates the elimination of a gross receipts tax on hospitals and other health care providers.

6.   All the for-profit businesses on the block pay a combination of rent and a percentage of gross receipts above a certain level.

7.   Cable companies pay royalty fees based on a percentage of their gross receipts collected from subscribers.

8.   Gross receipts and attendance are up.

9.   Gross receipts rocketed into the hundreds of dollars.

10.   He gets a percentage of gross receipts, off the top.

a. + receipt >>共 118
gross 13.08%
box-office 10.77%
sales 5.77%
return 4.62%
original 2.31%
fake 1.92%
net 1.54%
official 1.54%
state 1.54%
lower 1.15%
gross + n. >>共 292
product 40.01%
margin 8.93%
negligence 4.41%
income 2.46%
violation 2.35%
receipt 1.95%
misconduct 1.77%
revenue 1.72%
mismanagement 1.55%
profit 1.43%
每页显示:    共 34