1.   Big Mig could spend his last season grooming his successor, maybe even help him win the Tour de France.

2.   But his ego also meant that he never groomed a successor.

3.   Compare their actions to, say, Michael Eisner, who appears unable to share power by grooming a successor at Disney.

4.   Despite his age, they said, Davis resisted the notion of grooming a successor.

5.   Eisner denies that he has had trouble sharing power or grooming a successor.

6.   He spent little time campaigning for others or grooming a successor.

7.   How long will Gibson and Sawyer stay on before ABC finishes its indeterminate process of grooming successors?

8.   Mas had neither named nor groomed a successor and held the many fractious currents of the exile world together largely through force of personality and tenacity.

9.   Nor did Roosevelt groom a successor.

10.   One-man shows end when the one man retires -- unless he has groomed a successor.

v. + successor >>共 159
name 23.47%
choose 12.42%
find 8.05%
appoint 6.89%
elect 5.63%
announce 3.20%
pick 3.01%
select 2.33%
groom 1.75%
nominate 1.75%
groom + n. >>共 100
successor 10.29%
son 4.57%
horse 4.00%
dog 3.43%
trail 2.86%
player 2.29%
hair 2.29%
product 2.29%
talent 2.29%
slope 1.71%
每页显示:    共 18