1.   The grieving widow was rich and powerful enough to hound anyone through the courts.

2.   Yet there is that nearly irresistible need for lawyers to smear their adversary, even a grieving widow.

3.   The kind words brought a little solace to the grieving widow.

4.   Bo Derek has a couple of walk-ons as the almost grieving widow.

5.   He expressed understanding for the grieving widow.

6.   Hardened cops, grieving widows, CNN cameramen and grasping pols are all trapped in it together.

7.   Prosecutors said this was hardly the odyssey of a grieving widow.

8.   Suspicion arose only after the grieving widow wearing a big black hat was recognized as the same widow who had been in two previous processions.

9.   Their feelings are understandable, and no politician wants to argue with a grieving widow.

10.   There was also the grieving widow in a deserted region of the Chinese Pamir Mountains.

a. + widow >>共 149
young 12.87%
elderly 6.59%
grieving 5.69%
new 2.99%
wealthy 2.99%
rich 2.69%
poor 2.69%
afghan 1.50%
lonely 1.50%
merry 1.50%
grieving + n. >>共 86
family 22.43%
relative 13.12%
process 8.94%
parent 6.65%
mother 4.94%
member 3.80%
widow 3.61%
father 3.61%
friend 1.71%
owner 1.52%
每页显示:    共 19