1.   Joseph Moise said Wednesday afternoon that his brother was so overcome by grief that he could barely speak to the authorities about what had happened.

2.   Overcome by grief over the loss of his friend, Yount squeezed the glass harder and harder until it shattered.

3.   Several people, overcome by grief, collapsed.

4.   Some say they believe that the killer might have been someone overcome by grief after a personal experience with abortion.

5.   Overcome by grief, one woman fainted and was treated by a first-aid worker.

6.   One old woman had to be treated by medics when she was overcome by grief.

n. + overcome >>共 479
team 5.21%
fume 3.65%
emotion 3.65%
smoke 3.55%
company 2.92%
people 2.09%
country 1.56%
government 1.25%
stock 0.94%
candidate 0.83%
grief 0.63%
grief + v. >>共 93
be 36.40%
turn 3.51%
overcome 2.63%
give 2.19%
overwhelm 2.19%
seem 2.19%
come 1.75%
have 1.75%
haunt 1.75%
feel 1.75%
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