1.   The availability of trained grief counselors, whose primary task is simply to listen, is also important.

2.   And we do have, from bitter and sad experience, a great cadre of very good, effective grief counselors.

3.   A grief counselor.

4.   A year or so after the disaster, a grief counselor named Eileen Leary spoke at a meeting of the Pan Am families.

5.   After practice, the players met Friday as a group with two grief counselors.

6.   Again and again, people praised the calm organization of the assistance center, which is run by the city and patrolled by grief counselors and chaplains.

7.   Children need familiar and trusted adults around them during times of loss, she says, not grief counselors who are strangers to them.

8.   Even seasoned grief counselors say they have no sense of how these children will cope with their loss and their upended lives.

9.   For now, Santana High has made grief counselors available to students and staff.

10.   Grief counselors are available to the students.

n. + counselor >>共 167
guidance 21.39%
school 9.01%
grief 6.62%
career 6.62%
marriage 5.43%
drug 4.13%
health 3.15%
investment 2.39%
crisis 2.06%
job 1.95%
grief + n. >>共 42
counselor 41.22%
counseling 19.59%
group 3.38%
center 3.38%
process 3.38%
expert 2.03%
counsellor 1.35%
damage 1.35%
management 1.35%
therapist 1.35%
每页显示:    共 61