1.   Six soldiers were slightly injured when a grenade exploded in a nearby truck.

2.   Also Friday night, six Serbs were badly wounded when a grenade exploded outside a Pristina cafe owned by Serbs.

3.   -- A hand grenade exploded two blocks from the Presidential Palace Sunday night just as a dinner honoring United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali got under way.

4.   A few days later, two grenades exploded in front of his house.

5.   A grenade exploded inside a packed bus on Wednesday, killing at least one person and wounding several others.

6.   A Serb civilian was killed and his wife was seriously injured Saturday when a grenade exploded in their bedroom in northwestern Kosovo, the Serbia Media Center reported.

7.   After a grenade exploded on the fifth floor, she decided to go home.

8.   After angering the army and right-wing paramilitary groups, grenades exploded outside his home.

9.   But the spokeswoman, Maj. Mary Baldwin, said the corporal was not aware of the fracas at the back gate until the first grenade exploded.

n. + explode >>共 720
bomb 40.42%
grenade 5.02%
shell 3.04%
plane 2.38%
car 2.28%
device 2.00%
rocket 1.69%
mine 1.45%
tank 1.35%
firework 1.21%
grenade + v. >>共 106
explode 38.72%
hit 6.38%
be 5.91%
go 4.51%
slam 2.18%
come 2.02%
miss 1.87%
blow 1.87%
fall 1.87%
land 1.40%
每页显示:    共 248