1.   Employee safety is the greatest motivator, followed by the expense of lost production and repairs due to accidents, she said.

2.   The greatest motivators still need players.

3.   The second greatest motivator is hunger.

4.   The third greatest motivator is pride.

5.   Australian head swim coach Don Talbot may win an award for being the greatest motivator at the Goodwill Games.

6.   Fauteux said the possibility of saving someone is the greatest motivator in an otherwise traumatizing task.

7.   However, the greatest motivator of all, Shiv suggested is that of belief.

a. + motivator >>共 55
great 14.71%
master 14.71%
powerful 11.76%
greatest 4.12%
strong 4.12%
good 3.53%
biggest 2.94%
prime 2.94%
main 2.35%
best 1.76%
greatest + n. >>共 1343
threat 3.58%
challenge 2.89%
risk 2.75%
player 2.53%
number 2.01%
concern 1.55%
danger 1.30%
impact 1.24%
need 1.11%
success 1.08%
motivator 0.11%
每页显示:    共 7