1.   It is not just because of their greater autonomy that discretion in both senses is very important to neighbourhood police.

2.   Measures affecting higher education saw the universities granted greater autonomy in running their own affairs.

3.   Schools have been given greater autonomy and greater exposure to Market forces, both of which are significantly altering their information requirements.

4.   The net effect of these measures has been to give greater autonomy to the central government.

5.   Craxi had also proposed earlier in the year that Italy should move towards a presidential form of government with greater regional autonomy.

6.   It was unclear whether the Bloc demanded complete independence or was prepared to settle for greater autonomy within the Canadian confederation.

7.   By contrast the Interior Minister, Pierre Joxe, advocated greater internal autonomy.

8.   From the outset, as we shall see, the CDP adopted strong, but often confused and contradictory, policies aimed at securing greater autonomy for the polytechnics.

a. + autonomy >>共 242
palestinian 23.92%
greater 16.29%
expanding 4.44%
limited 4.31%
broad 4.19%
regional 2.74%
political 2.53%
local 2.32%
increased 1.91%
considerable 1.62%
greater + n. >>共 946
risk 2.46%
role 2.38%
number 2.34%
autonomy 2.29%
access 1.92%
freedom 1.77%
flexibility 1.63%
cooperation 1.54%
power 1.46%
control 1.35%
每页显示:    共 391