1.   Community shame is a great motivator, has been for thousands of years in the history of the human race.

2.   In the future, Scotland will have to do that without the immediate services of the great motivator.

3.   A great motivator.

4.   But is money such a great motivator?

5.   But our coach, Hank Stram, was a great motivator, and he sure got us up for that one.

6.   Everybody knows he was a great coach and a great motivator, but anybody who knew him knows he also was just an unbelievable person.

7.   Fear may be a great motivator, but children who are afraid to go to school have little hope of learning.

8.   Glenn said this in part because one thing Bill Parcells understands better than most coaches is that fear is a great motivator.

9.   Great motivator.

10.   He is a great motivator and any team that gets him will be lucky to have him.

a. + motivator >>共 55
great 14.71%
master 14.71%
powerful 11.76%
greatest 4.12%
strong 4.12%
good 3.53%
biggest 2.94%
prime 2.94%
main 2.35%
best 1.76%
great + n. >>共 1378
player 1.79%
job 1.29%
thing 1.15%
team 1.14%
success 1.10%
deal 1.03%
length 0.98%
time 0.93%
game 0.75%
opportunity 0.75%
motivator 0.07%
每页显示:    共 25