1.   Pour into greased square pan and cool.

2.   Then I let it rise again before baking in a greased pan until brown on top.

3.   Bake in greased pans.

4.   After pressing the thawed dough in the greased pan, it was drizzled with some extra virgin olive oil, a sprinkling of dried basil and grated Parmesan cheese.

5.   He then stirs in the remaining dry ingredients and spoons the fudge into a greased baking pan.

6.   In a greased deep baking pan, arrange meat and kidney slices, making sure to mix them so flavors blend.

7.   Place in greased pans.

8.   Place the chicken in a lightly greased baking pan large enough to hold the pieces in one uncrowded layer.

9.   Place stuffed onions in a greased roasting pan and sprinkle with the rest of the grated Gruyere cheese.

10.   Place the peaches in a greased baking pan.

a. + pan >>共 222
roasting 15.69%
baking 13.48%
prepared 10.27%
large 6.24%
shallow 4.91%
small 4.47%
nonstick 4.35%
hot 2.46%
larger 1.95%
heavy 1.83%
greased 1.07%
greased + n. >>共 53
cookie 16.57%
sheet 13.02%
pan 10.06%
bowl 6.51%
tray 4.14%
casserole 3.55%
loaf 2.96%
muffin 2.37%
dish 2.37%
lightning 2.37%
每页显示:    共 17