1.   Initial indications are that the basic rocks responsible for the gravity anomaly are more extensive than originally mapped.

2.   Correction for altitude alone gives the free-air gravity anomaly.

3.   When corrections are made to take account of these differences in crustal density the magnitude of gravity anomalies is significantly reduced.

n. + anomaly >>共 27
gravity 11.63%
weather 11.63%
isostatic 6.98%
tax 6.98%
datum 4.65%
day 4.65%
iridium 4.65%
ocean 4.65%
ballot 2.33%
business 2.33%
gravity + n. >>共 39
field 10.00%
map 10.00%
bomb 8.57%
anomaly 7.14%
measurement 5.71%
force 2.86%
feed 2.86%
environment 2.86%
experiment 2.86%
separation 2.86%
每页显示:    共 5