1.   A variation suggests covering this ghastly mixture with a cup of grated cheddar and baking it in the oven.

2.   Chicken appears in a great sandwich with avocado and bacon and in salads with Stilton cheese or with chickpeas, tortilla chips and grated cheddar.

3.   Spread the remaining soup over the tater tots and sprinkle with grated cheddar cheese.

4.   The recipe contained Bisquick, grated cheddar cheese and grated onion.

a. + cheddar >>共 29
white 12.24%
aged 10.20%
sharp 10.20%
grated 8.16%
melted 4.08%
mild 4.08%
smoked 4.08%
wisconsin 4.08%
accompanying 2.04%
common 2.04%
grated + n. >>共 44
cheese 45.87%
lemon 5.61%
carrot 4.95%
rind 4.29%
ginger 3.96%
pecorino 2.97%
onion 2.64%
chocolate 2.31%
coconut 2.31%
radish 1.98%
cheddar 1.32%
每页显示:    共 4