1.   Activists also said not enough of the funds distributed by the Justice Department for crime prevention go to grassroots groups.

2.   But Ianno cast doubt on the level of support, saying that one town committee member whose name was distributed by the grassroots group is a Swift supporter.

3.   But now that some details of the Republican proposals are being revealed, the grassroots groups are poised to unleash their troops.

4.   Downtown, a grassroots group on a pinched Bowery budget is fashioning a mobile flophouse museum gingerly extracted in plywood pieces from the Palace Hotel.

5.   Dozens of grassroots groups are also getting into the act.

6.   Gingrich charged it as an assault on religious and grassroots groups and set in motion an elaborate last-ditch campaign to kill the bill.

7.   Hundreds of grassroots groups energized by the debate over Medicare and Medicaid are about to spring into action on Capitol Hill.

8.   Nolan said the Yes side won at the ballot box because it managed to portray itself as a grassroots group.

9.   Other representatives of the grassroots groups said brainstorming on a legal response was ongoing.

10.   Plus, a grassroots group is waging a campaign with lapel buttons and signs attacking the plant.

n. + group >>共 591
opposition 6.73%
rebel 6.18%
consumer 3.64%
guerrilla 3.50%
advocacy 3.21%
right 3.08%
business 3.06%
trade 2.54%
industry 2.40%
aid 2.39%
grassroots 0.11%
grassroots + n. >>共 127
level 11.89%
movement 8.37%
group 8.15%
organization 7.49%
support 5.73%
effort 4.41%
campaign 4.19%
activist 1.98%
democracy 1.98%
supporter 1.98%
每页显示:    共 37