1.   It matters, too, that teachers should grasp the fact that the DES can lay down details of a policy but that the Department of Employment funds it.

2.   This is because of the many other commitments of RandD, a fact not always grasped by top management.

3.   How could any of them grasp the fact that these were practices being run by a man who actually used to love to practice?

4.   It is true that Ewing had a hard time grasping the fact he was no longer an All-Star.

5.   Lewis said White House officials, based on polling data, are worried that many Americans have not grasped the fact that the president may be impeached.

6.   Some lawmakers seem not to have grasped the fact that the courts are not a private club.

7.   That this large, rich firm finally grasps this fact is the best evidence that punitive damages can do wonders for human understanding.

8.   The flow of information is at the heart of modernity, and it was somehow typical of her informal, intuitive cleverness that she grasped that fact so effortlessly.

9.   The world of William Trevor is large enough to hold such sorrows, because he unfailingly grasps the fact of them.

10.   It has always been difficult for Arabs to grasp the fact that Israel is a democracy.

v. + fact >>共 528
ignore 3.93%
reflect 3.79%
accept 3.61%
like 3.27%
hide 3.06%
face 2.45%
know 2.13%
overlook 1.53%
appreciate 1.48%
obscure 1.42%
grasp 0.26%
grasp + n. >>共 324
concept 6.15%
hand 5.05%
opportunity 3.55%
arm 2.46%
significance 2.05%
nettle 1.91%
meaning 1.64%
reality 1.50%
fact 1.37%
magnitude 1.23%
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