1.   Graphite electrodes are rods used in what are known as electric arc furnaces, which help melt scrap steel.

2.   Graphite electrodes are typically sold by the pound or ton, he said.

3.   The company said in the January-to-March period earnings were dampened by a major product recall for graphite electrodes in North America.

4.   The companies are major producers of graphite electrodes, which are used in steel-mill furnaces.

5.   The structures are made using a process called chemical vapor deposition, in which a graphite electrode is rapidly heated in a pressurized atmosphere of methane and helium.

6.   Graphite electrodes are large carbon columns used in electric arc furnaces in steelmaking mini-mills to generate the heat necessary to melt and further refine steel.

7.   SGL produces graphite electrodes, which are mainly used to conduct electrical current during steel melting operations using arc furnaces.

8.   The government alleged that during this period, customers were hit with significant price increases for graphite electrodes that far out-paced inflation.

9.   The government said the conspiracies caused steelmakers to pay higher prices for graphite electrodes used to melt scrap and refine steel for a variety of business and consumer items.

10.   The joint venture will produce ultra-high-power graphite electrodes for use in the Chinese steel industry as well as for export, said Hoechst.

n. + electrode >>共 37
graphite 18.97%
carbon 5.17%
sodium 5.17%
enzyme 3.45%
depth 3.45%
gate 3.45%
needle 3.45%
patch 3.45%
receiver 3.45%
reference 3.45%
graphite + n. >>共 55
reactor 26.22%
shaft 9.15%
bomb 8.54%
electrode 6.71%
rod 6.10%
system 3.66%
model 3.05%
composite 2.44%
technology 2.44%
cast 1.22%
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