1.   The research will include an analysis of policy instruments and an examination of available information on the take-up of grant schemes.

2.   The aim of the Enterprise Development Fund grant scheme is to support projects that will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the enterprise initiative at Napier.

3.   The UK government has launched a grant scheme to encourage the restoration of damaged hedgerows and their maintenance as wildlife havens.

4.   Will a new grant scheme be introduced to encourage the building of private sidings or intermodal terminals?

5.   NITC permanent secretary Tengku Datuk Mohd Azzman Shariffadeen told reporters the grant scheme was to help develop a community of IT users.

6.   --Support for research and development, by continuing a tax concession and renewing a competitive grants scheme.

7.   The tourism industry would also receive significant tax breaks including a limited exemption from capital gains tax and full subsidy treatment under an export market development grant scheme.

n. + scheme >>共 733
pyramid 11.79%
investment 11.27%
color 5.84%
pension 3.43%
kickback 1.95%
saving 1.91%
tax 1.27%
retirement 1.11%
fraud 1.02%
compensation 0.96%
grant 0.25%
grant + n. >>共 124
money 22.59%
program 13.66%
proposal 7.71%
application 7.18%
aid 7.01%
recipient 2.98%
fund 2.10%
request 1.40%
scheme 1.40%
agreement 0.88%
每页显示:    共 8