1.   I had that experience in my own graduate work as a chemist.

2.   There should be more graduate work generally, and an increase in the number of undergraduate courses covering wider fields of study.

3.   An old antiwar and civil rights activist while doing graduate work at the University of California-Berkeley, Sperber always understood the consequences for confronting the establishment.

4.   At the University of Northern Colorado, where he began his graduate work in sociology, he became active in antiwar activities.

5.   A taste for interdisciplinary work needs to be built into graduate work.

6.   After finishing graduate work in Chinese art at Princeton, he taught there almost without break until his retirement from the faculty last year.

7.   After prep school in Montreal, Jacques took a degree at the HEC, then went to Paris and later London for graduate work.

8.   After doing graduate work at the University of Chicago, she earned a Ph.D. in the classics at Radcliffe.

9.   After graduating from William and Mary College in Virginia, Belcher came to UC Davis for graduate work in chemistry.

10.   After graduate work in musicology, Roberts composed film and television music before returning to the record business.

a. + work >>共 1214
hard 12.26%
new 3.27%
good 2.15%
best 1.26%
volunteer 1.16%
extra 1.08%
part-time 1.06%
legal 1.00%
real 0.88%
detective 0.88%
graduate 0.28%
graduate + n. >>共 111
student 41.12%
school 23.25%
degree 6.47%
study 3.97%
assistant 3.92%
program 3.92%
work 2.22%
course 1.75%
education 1.65%
seminar 0.99%
每页显示:    共 47