1.   He then discussed this with the general practitioner and gradual reduction of the antidepressant was initiated.

2.   Increased output has enabled most NICs to experience rising percapita income and a gradual reduction in poverty within their societies.

3.   The Markets are hoping for a gradual reduction in interest rates.

4.   Other targets included the elimination of public waste, a gradual reduction of interest rates and the liberalization of investment regulations.

5.   It called for a continued gradual reduction in the bases in the coming years.

6.   President Ronald Reagan pledges gradual reduction in sales of U.S. weapons to Taiwan.

7.   She said, though, that they favored gradual reductions in MTBE use to reduce the risk to water.

8.   That means the government could require a gradual reduction in nicotine content in cigarettes if smoking rates did not decline.

9.   Traders interviewed Wednesday said that they did not think that a gradual reduction in Treasury debt would alter interest-rate trends sharply enough to cause a similar disturbance.

10.   After a long debate it also voted in a decree calling for the gradual reduction in representation of the military in Parliament.

a. + reduction >>共 406
further 10.17%
significant 5.63%
sharp 4.64%
spending 3.38%
substantial 2.72%
drastic 2.58%
proposed 1.97%
major 1.97%
dramatic 1.83%
possible 1.41%
gradual 1.36%
gradual + n. >>共 296
approach 4.58%
recovery 4.42%
increase 4.34%
change 4.27%
process 3.79%
improvement 2.92%
withdrawal 2.92%
return 2.61%
transition 2.45%
reduction 2.29%
每页显示:    共 29