1.   McCain had gracious words for Bush, congratulating him but stopping short of endorsing him.

2.   The gracious words do not apply only to Haiti.

3.   Those are gracious words.

4.   Torre took in their gracious words and wept.

5.   Two days after being soundly defeated in coast-to-coast primaries, McCain had gracious words for Texas Gov. George W. Bush but stopped noticeably short of endorsing him.

6.   Howard thanked Keating for his gracious words in conceding defeat and wished him and his family health and happiness in the future.

a. + word >>共 1438
immediate 10.97%
final 3.72%
harsh 3.63%
kind 2.63%
official 2.61%
first 1.83%
right 1.74%
new 1.64%
written 1.62%
angry 1.45%
gracious 0.06%
gracious + n. >>共 164
host 10.20%
living 4.61%
gesture 3.29%
loser 2.63%
hospitality 2.30%
guest 1.97%
home 1.97%
smile 1.97%
word 1.97%
man 1.97%
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