1.   Bimpson recognised a business opportunity when he discovered that the government had secured domain names for all the schools in his borough.

2.   The Israeli Foreign Minster David Levy said that the Israeli government had secured the releases by appealing to the highest official level in Egypt.

3.   The Labour-led government had also secured the passive support of five Knesset members from two Arab parties, Hadash and the Arab Democratic Party.

4.   Cushnahan said the government should secure passage of antitrust laws to reassure its trading partners that they would receive fair treatment.

5.   He said the Conservative government had secured the prize of the strongest, most stable economy the country has seen since way before world war II.

6.   In addition, the government secured promises from Petrobras and its transportation subsidiary, Transpetro, to use local industry for some contracts.

7.   It would also allow the new government to secure the country and win the cooperation of local people in rooting out terrorists.

8.   Kang said Kia and its affiliate Asia Motor Co. will eventually be handed over to a third party, adding the government will secure job stability for Kia workers.

9.   Last year, however, the government secured a credit line from a group of European banks led by Netherlands-based ING Bank Guldem Fonds N.V.

10.   The French government has also secured the backing of EU leaders for a council of lawmakers which will hold talks with the European Central Bank.

n. + secure >>共 403
troop 4.88%
company 4.52%
police 4.15%
force 3.79%
government 3.17%
soldier 1.47%
victory 1.34%
team 1.10%
party 1.10%
win 1.10%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
secure 0.03%
每页显示:    共 26