1.   One can argue that transfer payments involve a lesser degree of government intervention in the economy than do government purchases.

2.   This distinction between government purchases and transfer payments is relevant for our discussion of the growth of government.

3.   -- State eco-labeling and certification laws limiting government purchases of wood from unsustainably managed tropical forests.

4.   Brazil, for example, now has compulsory competitive tendering for government purchases, and a requirement that local and national governments produce detailed accounts.

5.   Government food purchases to curb inflation accounted for much of the import growth.

6.   Government purchases of butter and nonfat dry milk would end.

7.   Government purchases of butter and non-fat dry milk would end.

8.   Mitsuzuka said the measures will include the repackaging of land collateral into securities and the outright government purchase of property held by banks as collateral.

9.   Mitsuzuka said the measures will include steps to bundle bad loans into securities and government purchases of land to convert for public use.

10.   Mitsuzuka said yesterday the measures will include the repackaging of land collateral into securities and outright government purchase of properties held by banks as collateral.

n. + purchase >>共 384
bond 8.33%
arm 3.92%
dollar 3.16%
weapon 3.10%
gun 2.89%
land 2.83%
fund 2.61%
government 2.40%
car 2.40%
handgun 2.34%
government + n. >>共 646
official 15.30%
troop 3.90%
force 3.87%
agency 2.91%
spokesman 2.83%
office 2.02%
bond 1.67%
minister 1.60%
policy 1.44%
building 1.43%
purchase 0.05%
每页显示:    共 44