1.   Government ownership of utilities should mean that gas and electricity costs are kept to a minimum.

2.   Under government ownership, the grazing land was gradually whittled away by privately owned farms.

3.   And Wei said that despite government ownership, his station had attained a good measure of independence.

4.   Advocates of private accounts said individuals should have more control over their financial futures, and that collective investment would result in de facto government ownership of private industry.

5.   Agrobanka is the biggest Czech bank without significant government ownership.

6.   Agrobanka is the largest bank in the country without significant government ownership.

7.   But government ownership would prove a debacle for all sides.

8.   Despite government ownership and financing, much has changed for Radio Mayak.

9.   Electricity production and distribution have been kept separate since government ownership of the industry was ended.

10.   Even so, HUD lawyers agreed to a settlement last year that gave the government ownership of Clifton Terrace but required no repayments by Marshall.

n. + ownership >>共 179
gun 16.70%
land 14.47%
majority 5.66%
medium 5.29%
property 3.80%
car 3.53%
employee 3.25%
station 2.97%
government 2.78%
team 2.78%
government + n. >>共 646
official 15.30%
troop 3.90%
force 3.87%
agency 2.91%
spokesman 2.83%
office 2.02%
bond 1.67%
minister 1.60%
policy 1.44%
building 1.43%
ownership 0.04%
每页显示:    共 30