1.   Asian governments intrude much more than Western governments into the daily affairs of individuals and families.

2.   Goodling argues that the federal government would be intruding on state and local authority by creating the tests.

3.   In setting a minimum wage, Wilson of the Heritage Foundation explained, government intrudes upon the freedom of employers and workers to negotiate the terms of a job.

4.   Modern governments can intrude into your daily life with so much less pain, muss and fuss.

5.   Some privacy advocates have expressed concern that the government might intrude on the privacy of Medicare beneficiaries by collecting and analyzing such personal data.

6.   That, too, brought protests, with prominent physicians arguing that the government was intruding into the sacred doctor-patient relationship.

7.   The federal government intruded into public education.

8.   The most productive farming, he said, is where governments do not intrude in production decisions, the household being the most effective management unit.

9.   The arrangement has drawn criticism from some who say the government is intruding on the independence of networks.

n. + intrude >>共 157
reality 8.40%
politics 6.80%
government 3.60%
war 3.20%
event 2.00%
life 2.00%
world 2.00%
voice 1.60%
aircraft 1.20%
camera 1.20%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
intrude 0%
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