1.   Successive Conservative governments implemented policies which reversed the slight trend for income redistribution to poorer groups.

2.   The programmes were implemented by governments through existing political channels, thus allowing dominant groups to take advantage of the situation.

3.   An International Monetary Fund delegation, completing its annual visit to Israel, has recommended that the government implement proposed budget cuts and continue to reduce spending.

4.   An International Monetary Fund delegation, completing its annual visit to Israel, recommended the government implement proposed budget cuts and continue to reduce spending.

5.   As part of its economic model, the Korean government implemented caps on the interest rates banks could charge for corporate loans and bonds.

6.   But days before its scheduled opening, the production was canceled when the government implemented drastic anti-inflation measures.

7.   Construction companies gained after Omi said the government may implement public works projects ahead of schedule.

8.   Despite concerns the government will soon implement these measures, property analysts said the dip in property stocks is only short-term.

9.   Foreign Affairs Minister Eduardo Stein said the government was already implementing some of recommendations, including compensation for victims, judicial reform and changes in the military.

10.   In addition, it will be difficult for the government to implement unpopular austerity measures and sweeping market-oriented reform before the new Constitution is approved.

n. + implement >>共 187
government 19.80%
company 6.26%
owner 5.08%
country 4.74%
state 3.05%
side 2.71%
authority 2.20%
step 2.20%
agency 1.86%
leader 1.52%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
implement 0.12%
每页显示:    共 116