1.   Because the federal government is footing the bill for extended benefits, jobless people must meet federal requirements to get them.

2.   But the commission recommends that state and local governments foot the bill through tax increases and bond measures.

3.   Foreign governments will also foot the bill for curators and presenters to travel abroad to see the work.

4.   Other contractors will build the apartments, and the government foots the bill for the land, expropriated from Jews and Arabs, and for the security forces.

5.   Some say the industry is simply waiting for the government to foot the bill.

6.   The government also footed the bill for Dr. Kreyberg to fulfill her old ambition of getting a Ph.D. in epidemiology at the University of Oslo.

7.   The government was already footing much of the bill.

8.   The government foots half that bill.

9.   Many illegal immigrants, however, have no choice but to wait for the Bahamas government to foot the bill.

10.   Sergei Shoigu, the minister of emergency situations, said that previously the Russian government has footed the bill for all Russian-Cuban projects.

n. + foot >>共 54
taxpayer 18.02%
government 15.32%
company 7.21%
consumer 2.70%
city 1.80%
side 1.80%
airline 1.80%
step 1.80%
business 1.80%
supplier 1.80%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
foot 0.02%
每页显示:    共 17