1.   As governments embrace a more catalytic role, they are often forced to develop new organizations to manage the steering role.

2.   Boosting vaccine coverage is a relatively uncomplicated health measure embraced by governments everywhere.

3.   All European governments embrace the principles of a unified currency, and at least give lip service to the fiscal disciplines involved.

4.   Early in the week, the Labor government formally embraced a European Union package of worker protections that the previous British government had opposed.

5.   Economists are not discussing the possibility that rather than a strong franc, the government will embrace a devaluation of the currency and then pursue a stable franc.

6.   Government rulings on the issue will show whether the Zedillo government has embraced free trade and open competition or is just paying lip service to the idea.

7.   He said it could also support bonds by easing concern the government will embrace another idea -- buying preferred stock of struggling banks to help replenish their capital.

8.   Hikaru Matsunaga, the finance minister, announced that the government was embracing the plan, shortly after it was approved Thursday by a task force.

9.   Hikaru Matsunaga, the finance minister, announced that the government was embracing the plan shortly after it was approved Thursday by a task force.

10.   In those tense times, he said, the revolutionary communist government officially embraced atheism and jumped at the chance to discredit any form of religious expression.

n. + embrace >>共 504
company 2.62%
people 2.55%
fan 2.40%
leader 2.18%
government 2.04%
two 1.89%
weather 1.82%
man 1.75%
investor 1.75%
woman 1.60%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
embrace 0.03%
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