1.   The government should not dictate to employers how much they pay their workers.

2.   And in much of the rest of East Asia it was dictated by governments that brooked no opposition from former colonial powers.

3.   But the government will not dictate what changes are adopted.

4.   Family values cannot be dictated by government.

5.   If government can dictate safety apparel and laws for minors, then it can do the same for adults.

6.   Microsoft wants to convince the public that the government should not dictate what it puts in Windows, or the company will lose control of its own products.

7.   Not because government might dictate the uses of the money but because it lessens the moral responsibility of believers to care for the less fortunate.

8.   Should a government be dictating where life begins, even indirectly through its funding decisions?

9.   Snowmobile advocates accuse their adversaries of being environmental elitists who want the federal government to dictate American recreation.

10.   The government no longer dictates how much acreage can be planted to control supplies.

n. + dictate >>共 422
law 3.77%
tradition 3.25%
logic 3.14%
rule 2.83%
circumstance 2.51%
government 2.20%
custom 1.78%
protocol 1.78%
market 1.47%
history 1.26%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
dictate 0.02%
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