1.   An interim report released on Friday by Special Counsel John C. Danforth also ruled out a widespread government conspiracy and coverup.

2.   As if to reinforce that point, they have scheduled a forum in Memphis on Friday night to lay out the latest evidence of a government conspiracy.

3.   A Senate hearing on alleged CIA links to Central American drug traffickers turned raucous Wednesday with tales of a government conspiracy to poison black communities.

4.   Al-Amin, in his sole statement about his case, said it was a government conspiracy.

5.   But despite the disdain for all the bad publicity McVeigh brought Kingman, others still say he was an unwitting dupe in a government conspiracy.

6.   Charged with murder, Einhorn maintained his innocence, blaming a nutty-sounding government conspiracy aimed at discrediting him.

7.   Farrakhan suggested that King is part of a government conspiracy to keep African-American figures from rising in power.

8.   For one thing, why would anyone think that a government investigation of a government conspiracy would uncover the truth?

9.   Forget the aliens and the sinister government conspiracy.

10.   Government conspiracies are not the only unusual idea McLaren has pushed in the hard-baked, West Texas cattle country.

n. + conspiracy >>共 75
right-wing 17.63%
government 16.18%
murder 9.25%
police 6.94%
drug 5.49%
espionage 5.49%
price-fixing 4.05%
terrorism 3.18%
left-wing 2.60%
assassination 1.73%
government + n. >>共 646
official 15.30%
troop 3.90%
force 3.87%
agency 2.91%
spokesman 2.83%
office 2.02%
bond 1.67%
minister 1.60%
policy 1.44%
building 1.43%
conspiracy 0.07%
每页显示:    共 56