1.   The treaty required the backing of both governing coalition parties.

2.   It will be able to put together a governing coalition.

3.   It was envisaged that the PNV and the PSE-PSOE would continue to form the governing coalition with Jos Antonio Ardanza as lendakari.

4.   Immediately following adoption of the bill, sponsored by the three parties in the governing coalition, deputies from the Slovak National Party walked out in protest.

5.   Although Keadilan did poorly in a parliamentary election last year, many Malays deserted the governing coalition and voted for an Islamic party known as PAS.

6.   Although Communist Refounding is not part of the governing coalition, Prodi has counted on their votes to get his programs passed.

7.   And most demonstrated an impressive intimacy with Israeli parliamentary arithmetic, debating the various permutations of right, left, and center that could give Barak a governing coalition.

8.   And that, in turn, could lead to the collapse of the governing coalition of three political parties, and then a political realignment.

9.   As a price for the coveted European Union membership, the governing coalition agreed grudgingly to abolish the death penalty.

10.   Another, connected, possibility is that the attack stems from a feud within the governing coalition.

a. + coalition >>共 727
ruling 14.46%
governing 9.14%
new 7.51%
international 3.19%
conservative 2.71%
center-left 2.03%
broad 1.97%
fragile 1.65%
leftist 1.51%
us-led 1.34%
governing + n. >>共 272
body 24.84%
party 21.54%
coalition 20.62%
board 3.83%
council 3.58%
majority 1.21%
alliance 0.89%
style 0.82%
candidate 0.75%
official 0.75%
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