1.   Benzer and the generations of students he has fostered studied time, love and memory in fruit flies to see how genes govern behavior.

2.   But laws cannot govern daily behavior, etiquette experts say.

3.   Foremost, particle physicists want to complete a survey of all fundamental particles and how different forces govern their behavior.

4.   He said that his clients shut down the sites before the FTC action and noted that there were no regulations to govern behavior on the Internet.

5.   In addition, the pension fund will form a pair of task forces to recommend more rigorous professional standards for accountants and stricter rules governing corporate behavior.

6.   It challenges our definition of community, blurs geographies, undermines the customs, rules and laws by which we have always governed behavior.

7.   Not that this governs her behavior.

8.   Quantum events obey the laws of quantum theory, which governs the behavior of minute objects like atoms and subatomic particles, including photons of light.

9.   Rigid codes govern social behavior, particularly in the interaction of well-born men and women.

10.   Somewhere in the tortured mental software that governs eating behavior, the pleasure principle lives in more or less uneasy proximity to the efficiency principle.

v. + behavior >>共 408
change 10.03%
affect 2.75%
exhibit 2.37%
influence 2.26%
control 2.15%
encourage 1.98%
explain 1.71%
alter 1.60%
study 1.54%
cause 1.27%
govern 1.10%
govern + n. >>共 732
country 4.36%
use 2.32%
state 1.84%
conduct 1.84%
body 1.60%
sale 1.60%
life 1.50%
city 1.31%
province 1.21%
trade 1.21%
behavior 0.97%
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