1.   A healthy lifestyle includes having a nutritious diet and good personal hygiene.

2.   Hygiene Regular performance of good hygiene practices helps to promote healthy skin, teeth and hair.

3.   Most do only limited damage to plants, and good garden hygiene is usually adequate treatment if they get out of hand.

4.   Normal everyday standards of good hygiene are quite sufficient.

5.   Schools should have policies to ensure good hygiene in kitchen areas.

6.   This includes having a balanced and nutritious diet and good personal hygiene.

7.   Regular anthelmintic treatment and good hygiene as outlined for Ancylostoma will control Uncinaria infection.

8.   Brushing your teeth is one of the most elementary aspects of good hygiene.

9.   But their good hygiene may last only as long as they keep their hands off their pens.

10.   Cholera can be averted with clean water and good hygiene.

a. + hygiene >>共 67
personal 23.72%
poor 19.52%
good 9.91%
feminine 5.41%
basic 4.20%
environmental 3.00%
proper 2.70%
strict 2.40%
public 2.10%
bad 1.80%
good + n. >>共 855
news 5.65%
time 3.35%
thing 3.15%
idea 2.33%
reason 2.30%
job 2.06%
chance 1.77%
health 1.69%
condition 1.43%
one 1.20%
hygiene 0.04%
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