1.   Well what you going to put in it?

2.   As the task force realized, going public would put healthy pressure on the partners to commit to change and deliver results.

3.   Circumstances have dictated a lot things with our offensive line, so we are going to put one of our draft choices, L.J. Shelton, at left tackle.

4.   I feel we have enough offensive guys here that are going to put the puck in the net every night.

5.   If one of us goes down, who are we going to put in there?

6.   If the league is going to put ads on uniforms, then it must give us something we can see from the cheap seats.

v. + put >>共 112
be 6.81%
stay 6.28%
do 4.71%
fighting 3.14%
go 3.14%
have 3.14%
spending 3.14%
will 2.62%
say 2.09%
take 2.09%
go + v. >>共 258
be 52.66%
do 3.69%
need 1.85%
mean 1.55%
work 1.18%
make 1.18%
become 1.18%
have 1.11%
back 1.11%
school 1.11%
put 0.44%
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