1.   Going home each evening I review strategies and psyche myself up the coming battle.

2.   The elder Hayes recorded a couple of songs for an independent label before giving up and going home to be a building contractor.

3.   Aguirre maintained his cautious tone when it came to predictions, saying his players could still end up going home this week if they are not careful.

4.   Before going home Tuesday, the jury sent U.S. District Judge Leonard Sand a note requesting several documents and exhibits for review.

5.   Demirel planned to fly to Croatia on Monday and on to Bosnia, going home again Tuesday.

v. + home >>共 42
return 28.87%
fly 8.45%
drive 7.75%
bring 7.75%
head 7.04%
go 3.52%
send 2.82%
take 2.82%
come 2.11%
exist 1.41%
go + v. >>共 258
be 52.66%
do 3.69%
need 1.85%
mean 1.55%
work 1.18%
make 1.18%
become 1.18%
have 1.11%
back 1.11%
school 1.11%
home 0.37%
每页显示:    共 5