1.   But what is it like to go from one pregnancy to the next - going on having more and more children?

2.   I am afraid, however, that I am going to have to give you a disappointing reply.

3.   But in a war that has left untold thousands dead and thousands more wounded and maimed, going home has a price.

4.   How many times are we going to have to wade through the musings and philosophications and roundups of the last thousand years?

5.   In contrast to politics, in the world of entrepreneurs, going public has fabulously positive connotations.

6.   No matter how parents feel about Medicaid, going without health insurance has far-reaching effects.

7.   So some Americans are going to have to perish, and many more Iraqis.

8.   This game is such a huge game and so important for so many reasons that if you are going to have a secure practice, you want it secure.

9.   What are you going to have next, a G.I. Joe with a big belly?

10.   When the next boss or series of bosses are looking at the younger and younger women, what is she going to have to feel good about herself?

v. + have >>共 788
be 3.20%
say 2.13%
have 1.80%
fighting 1.57%
play 1.46%
spending 1.40%
box 1.29%
mourn 1.12%
lave 1.01%
win 0.96%
go 0.84%
go + v. >>共 258
be 52.66%
do 3.69%
need 1.85%
mean 1.55%
work 1.18%
make 1.18%
become 1.18%
have 1.11%
back 1.11%
school 1.11%
每页显示:    共 15