1.   A rather austere lobby leads to grand reception rooms elaborately decorated with gilt, stucco, rich furnishings and glittering chandeliers.

2.   Mrs. Clinton, seated beneath a bank of glittering chandeliers in the East Room, explored the question of safe child care with a panel of specialists.

3.   The ceilings, hung with glittering chandeliers, soar to dizzying heights, and the enormous windows offer prime viewing of the unpronounceable Tchopitoulas Street.

4.   Beneath glittering chandeliers, the visitors snapped their camera shutters at Fujimori, who is of Japanese descent.

5.   Electors met in the Estonia Concert Hall facing a stage, flanked by a giant organ and under glittering chandeliers.

6.   Glittering chandeliers and colorful bunting decorate the temporary celebration halls as the smell of dinners being cooked in portable clay ovens wafts through the air.

7.   Surrounded by sculpted lions and gilded furniture in her glamorous new office, Sonoko Suzuki looks so pale her face seems to glow beneath the glittering chandeliers.

8.   The ballots were counted on a table in the Estonia Concert Hall, with delegates sitting under glittering chandeliers and flanked by a large organ.

a. + chandelier >>共 83
glittering 5.84%
huge 5.11%
falling 4.38%
giant 3.65%
massive 3.65%
old 3.65%
crashing 2.92%
ornate 2.92%
elaborate 2.19%
elegant 2.19%
glittering + n. >>共 300
career 4.38%
prize 2.30%
array 1.67%
eye 1.67%
chandelier 1.67%
city 1.25%
dinner 1.25%
surface 1.25%
ceremony 1.25%
casino 1.04%
每页显示:    共 8