1.   Both Acts were to give uniform treatment to the many different forms of credit arrangement.

2.   Favourable treatment has been given to the small shareholder, when allocating oversubscribed issues, in some of the privatisation issues.

3.   He was given treatment at a local hospital.

4.   In each case the primary diagnosis was substance abuse, and initial treatment was given accordingly.

5.   Its contract is to guarantee that the doctors consulted by members of the public are properly qualified and will give competent treatment.

6.   Perhaps you are ignoring your existing pet, and giving preferential treatment to the newcomer?

7.   The conscious, alert patient, such as the polio victim, must be given treatment for as long as he desires.

8.   The dentist gives treatment for free and then recoups the cost from the government.

9.   We were given VIP treatment.

v. + treatment >>共 511
receive 18.17%
undergo 11.51%
seek 7.29%
get 6.57%
need 3.99%
require 3.55%
give 3.08%
have 1.89%
begin 1.74%
provide 1.59%
give + n. >>共 870
detail 9.82%
way 3.40%
name 2.50%
reason 2.44%
indication 1.91%
money 1.61%
information 1.42%
rise 1.36%
credit 1.35%
approval 1.34%
treatment 0.33%
每页显示:    共 222