1.   She was getting pretty good at inventing details for him to note down.

2.   And he gets so good at it, so overconfident, that he must one day find himself fooled.

3.   Because every game is a different system, and after playing six or a dozen or a hundred of them, you get good at figuring out new systems.

4.   Ahh, but then she got really good at it.

5.   But even skeptics like Schroeder agree that First Union has gotten quite good at making acquisitions pay off.

6.   But he got very good at it.

7.   By that time I was getting pretty good at buying things online, so I whipped right through it.

8.   By now, Williams must be getting pretty good at judging character.

9.   --Getting good at committee might seem to interfere with being promoted.

10.   He is getting rather good at them.

v. + good + at >>共 11
be 90.02%
get 2.76%
become 2.23%
look 1.87%
feel 1.43%
sound 0.80%
make 0.27%
seem 0.27%
prove 0.18%
find 0.09%
get + good + p. >>共 9
at 70.45%
with 6.82%
by 4.55%
for 4.55%
on 4.55%
as 2.27%
before 2.27%
of 2.27%
without 2.27%
每页显示:    共 31